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Written by 21 August 2012
Using animating elements for the background makes your website more attractive and the visitors spend more time on your website. In this code, an animated background with stars is provided for you, which in addition to being responsive, doubles the beauty of your website. When the mouse pointer goes near a star, it becomes bigger!
<!-- this script is provided by coded by: Kerixa Inc. -->
body {
margin: 0;
font: normal 75% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
canvas {
display: block;
vertical-align: bottom;
/* ---- particles.js container ---- */
#particles-js {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: #000000;
background-image: url("");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
background-position: 50% 50%;
<div id="particles-js"></div>
<script src=""></script>
particlesJS("particles-js", { "particles": { "number": { "value": 64, "density": { "enable": true, "value_area": 800 } }, "color": { "value": "#ffffff" }, "shape": { "type": "circle", "stroke": { "width": 0, "color": "#000000" }, "polygon": { "nb_sides": 5 }, "image": { "src": "img/github.svg", "width": 100, "height": 100 } }, "opacity": { "value": 0.5, "random": false, "anim": { "enable": false, "speed": 1, "opacity_min": 0.1, "sync": false } }, "size": { "value": 2.5, "random": true, "anim": { "enable": false, "speed": 40, "size_min": 0.1, "sync": false } }, "line_linked": { "enable": true, "distance": 25, "color": "#ffffff", "opacity": 0.42, "width": 1 }, "move": { "enable": true, "speed": 2.5, "direction": "none", "random": true, "straight": false, "out_mode": "bounce", "bounce": false, "attract": { "enable": false, "rotateX": 600, "rotateY": 1200 } } }, "interactivity": { "detect_on": "canvas", "events": { "onhover": { "enable": true, "mode": "bubble" }, "onclick": { "enable": false, "mode": "push" }, "resize": true }, "modes": { "grab": { "distance": 400, "line_linked": { "opacity": 1 } }, "bubble": { "distance": 100, "size": 5, "duration": 2, "opacity": 8, "speed": 3 }, "repulse": { "distance": 200, "duration": 0.4 }, "push": { "particles_nb": 4 }, "remove": { "particles_nb": 2 } } }, "retina_detect": true }); var count_particles, stats, update; stats = new Stats; stats.setMode(0); = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px'; document.body.appendChild(stats.domElement); count_particles = document.querySelector('.js-count-particles'); update = function () { stats.begin(); stats.end(); if (window.pJSDom[0].pJS.particles && window.pJSDom[0].pJS.particles.array) { count_particles.innerText = window.pJSDom[0].pJS.particles.array.length; } requestAnimationFrame(update); }; requestAnimationFrame(update);;
</script><a target='_blank' href='' style='font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none'>JavaScript Best Codes</a>